Introduction to R and RStudio

Figure 1

RStudio layout

Figure 2

RStudio layout with .R file open

Project Management With RStudio

Figure 1

A screenshot of a project folder containing multiple versions of data, analysis scripts, figures, and results files

Data Structures

Subsetting Data

Data frame Manipulation with dplyr

Figure 1

Illustration of selecting two columns from a dataframe

Figure 2

Illustration of multiple dataframes created by piping a dataframe to group_by

Figure 3

illustration of creating a summary dataframe from grouped data

Introduction to Visualization

Figure 1

Histogram of histogram of kelp percent cover sampled by the DMR
Histogram of histogram of kelp percent cover sampled by the DMR

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Bar plot of the mean percent kelp cover for each region
Bar plot of the mean percent kelp cover for each region

Figure 6

Box plot of kelp cover for each region
Box plot of kelp cover for each region

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Writing Data

Figure 1