Content from Introduction to R and RStudio

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How to find your way around RStudio?
  • How to interact with R?
  • How to install packages?


  • Describe the purpose and use of each pane in the RStudio IDE
  • Locate buttons and options in the RStudio IDE
  • Define a variable
  • Assign data to a variable
  • Use mathematical and comparison operators
  • Call functions
  • Manage packages


Science is a multi-step process: once you’ve designed an experiment and collected data, the real fun begins! This lesson will teach you how to start this process using R and RStudio. We will begin with raw data, perform exploratory analyses, and learn how to plot results graphically. This example starts with two datasets on urchins and kelp in Casco Bay and beyond. Can you read the data into R? Can you plot the data or calculate average values for each site? By the end of this set of lessons you will be able to do things like plot the average kelp cover at different areas of Casco Bay in under a minute!

Before Starting The Workshop

Please ensure you have the latest version of R and RStudio installed on your machine. This is important, as some packages used in the workshop may not install correctly (or at all) if R is not up to date.

Introduction to RStudio

Throughout this lesson, we’re going to teach you some of the fundamentals of the R language as well as some best practices for organizing code for scientific projects that will make your life easier.

We’ll be using RStudio: a free, open source R integrated development environment (IDE). It provides a built in editor, works on all platforms (including on servers) and provides many advantages such as integration with version control and project management.

Basic layout

When you first open RStudio, you will be greeted by three panels:

  • The interactive R console (entire left)
  • Environment/History (tabbed in upper right)
  • Files/Plots/Packages/Help/Viewer (tabbed in lower right)
RStudio layout

Once you open files, such as R scripts, an editor panel will also open in the top left.

RStudio layout with .R file open

Workflow within RStudio

There are two main ways one can work within RStudio.

  1. Test and play within the interactive R console then copy code into a .R file to run later.
  • This works well when doing small tests and initially starting off.
  • It quickly becomes laborious
  1. Start writing in an .R file and use RStudio’s shortcut keys for the Run command to push the current line, selected lines or modified lines to the interactive R console.
  • This is a great way to start; all your code is saved for later
  • You will be able to run the file you create from within RStudio or using R’s source() function.

Tip: Running segments of your code

RStudio offers you great flexibility in running code from within the editor window. There are buttons, menu choices, and keyboard shortcuts. To run the current line, you can

  1. click on the Run button above the editor panel, or
  2. select “Run Lines” from the “Code” menu, or
  3. hit Ctrl+Enter in Windows, Ctrl+Return in Linux, or +Return on OS X. (This shortcut can also be seen by hovering the mouse over the button). To run a block of code, select it and then Run. If you have modified a line of code within a block of code you have just run, there is no need to reselect the section and Run, you can use the next button along, Re-run the previous region. This will run the previous code block including the modifications you have made.

Introduction to R

Much of your time in R will be spent in the R interactive console. This is where you will run all of your code, and can be a useful environment to try out ideas before adding them to an R script file. This console in RStudio is the same as the one you would get if you typed in R in your command-line environment.

The first thing you will see in the R interactive session is a bunch of information, followed by a “>” and a blinking cursor. When you are running a section of your code, this is the location where R will first read your code, attempt to execute them, and then returns a result.

Using R as a calculator

The simplest thing you could do with R is do arithmetic:


1 + 100


[1] 101

And R will print out the answer, with a preceding “[1]”. Don’t worry about this for now, we’ll explain that later. For now think of it as indicating output.

Like bash, if you type in an incomplete command, R will wait for you to complete it:


> 1 +



Any time you hit return and the R session shows a “+” instead of a “>”, it means it’s waiting for you to complete the command. If you want to cancel a command you can simply hit “Esc” and RStudio will give you back the “>” prompt.

Tip: Cancelling commands

If you’re using R from the command line instead of from within RStudio, you need to use Ctrl+C instead of Esc to cancel the command. This applies to Mac users as well!

Cancelling a command isn’t only useful for killing incomplete commands: you can also use it to tell R to stop running code (for example if it’s taking much longer than you expect), or to get rid of the code you’re currently writing.

When using R as a calculator, the order of operations is the same as you would have learned back in school.

From highest to lowest precedence:

  • Parentheses: (, )
  • Exponents: ^ or **
  • Divide: /
  • Multiply: *
  • Add: +
  • Subtract: -


3 + 5 * 2


[1] 13

Use parentheses to group operations in order to force the order of evaluation if it differs from the default, or to make clear what you intend.


(3 + 5) * 2


[1] 16

This can get unwieldy when not needed, but clarifies your intentions. Remember that others may later read your code.


(3 + (5 * (2 ^ 2))) # hard to read
3 + 5 * 2 ^ 2       # clear, if you remember the rules
3 + 5 * (2 ^ 2)     # if you forget some rules, this might help

The text after each line of code is called a “comment”. Anything that follows after the hash (or octothorpe) symbol # is ignored by R when it executes code.

Really small or large numbers get a scientific notation:




[1] 2e-04

Which is shorthand for “multiplied by 10^XX”. So 2e-4 is shorthand for 2 * 10^(-4).

You can write numbers in scientific notation too:


5e3  # Note the lack of minus here


[1] 5000

Don’t worry about trying to remember every function in R. You can look them up using a search engine, or if you can remember the start of the function’s name, use the tab completion in RStudio.

This is one advantage that RStudio has over R on its own, it has auto-completion abilities that allow you to more easily look up functions, their arguments, and the values that they take.

Typing a ? before the name of a command will open the help page for that command. As well as providing a detailed description of the command and how it works, scrolling to the bottom of the help page will usually show a collection of code examples which illustrate command usage. We’ll go through an example later.

Comparing things

We can also do comparison in R:


1 == 1  # equality (note two equals signs, read as "is equal to")


[1] TRUE


1 != 2  # inequality (read as "is not equal to")


[1] TRUE


1 < 2  # less than


[1] TRUE


1 <= 1  # less than or equal to


[1] TRUE


1 > 0  # greater than


[1] TRUE


1 >= -9 # greater than or equal to


[1] TRUE

Tip: Comparing Numbers

A word of warning about comparing numbers: you should never use == to compare two numbers unless they are integers (a data type which can specifically represent only whole numbers).

Computers may only represent decimal numbers with a certain degree of precision, so two numbers which look the same when printed out by R, may actually have different underlying representations and therefore be different by a small margin of error (called Machine numeric tolerance).

Instead you should use the all.equal function.

Further reading:

Variables and assignment

We can store values in variables using the assignment operator <-, like this:


x <- 1/40

Notice that assignment does not print a value. Instead, we stored it for later in something called a variable. x now contains the value 0.025:




[1] 0.025

More precisely, the stored value is a decimal approximation of this fraction called a floating point number.

Look for the Environment tab in one of the panes of RStudio, and you will see that x and its value have appeared. Our variable x can be used in place of a number in any calculation that expects a number:




[1] -3.688879

Notice also that variables can be reassigned:


x <- 100

x used to contain the value 0.025 and and now it has the value 100.

Assignment values can contain the variable being assigned to:


x <- x + 1 #notice how RStudio updates its description of x on the top right tab
y <- x * 2

The right hand side of the assignment can be any valid R expression. The right hand side is fully evaluated before the assignment occurs.

Challenge 1

What will be the value of each variable after each statement in the following program?


mass <- 47.5
age <- 122
mass <- mass * 2.3
age <- age - 20


mass <- 47.5

This will give a value of 47.5 for the variable mass


age <- 122

This will give a value of 122 for the variable age


mass <- mass * 2.3

This will multiply the existing value of 47.5 by 2.3 to give a new value of 109.25 to the variable mass.


age <- age - 20

This will subtract 20 from the existing value of 122 to give a new value of 102 to the variable age.

Challenge 2

Run the code from the previous challenge, and write a command to compare mass to age. Is mass larger than age?

One way of answering this question in R is to use the > to set up the following:


mass > age


[1] TRUE

This should yield a boolean value of TRUE since 109.25 is greater than 102.

Variable names can contain letters, numbers, underscores and periods. They cannot start with a number nor contain spaces at all. Different people use different conventions for long variable names, these include

  • periods.between.words
  • underscores_between_words
  • camelCaseToSeparateWords

What you use is up to you, but be consistent.

It is also possible to use the = operator for assignment:


x = 1/40

But this is much less common among R users. The most important thing is to be consistent with the operator you use. There are occasionally places where it is less confusing to use <- than =, and it is the most common symbol used in the community. So the recommendation is to use <-.

Challenge 3

Which of the following are valid R variable names?



The following can be used as R variables:



The following creates a hidden variable:



We won’t be discussing hidden variables in this lesson. We recommend not using a period at the beginning of variable names unless you intend your variables to be hidden.

The following will not be able to be used to create a variable



Installing Packages

We can use R as a calculator to do mathematical operations (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), as we did above. However, we can also use R to carry out more complicated analyses, make visualizations, and much more. In later episodes, we’ll use R to do some data wrangling, plotting, and saving of reformatted data.

R coders around the world have developed collections of R code to accomplish themed tasks (e.g., data wrangling). These collections of R code are known as R packages. It is also important to note that R packages refer to code that is not automatically downloaded when we install R on our computer. Therefore, we’ll have to install each R package that we want to use (more on this below).

We will practice using the dplyr package to wrangle our datasets in episode 6 and will also practice using the ggplot2 package to plot our data in episode 7. To give an example, the dplyr package includes code for a function called filter(). A function is something that takes input(s) does some internal operations and produces output(s). For the filter() function, the inputs are a dataset and a logical statement (i.e., when data value is greater than or equal to 100) and the output is data within the dataset that has a value greater than or equal to 100.

There are two main ways to install packages in R:

  1. If you are using RStudio, we can go to Tools > Install Packages... and then search for the name of the R package we need and click Install.

  2. We can use the install.packages( ) function. We can do this to install the dplyr R package.




The following package(s) will be installed:
- dplyr [1.1.4]
- vctrs [0.6.5]
These packages will be installed into "~/work/r-intro-geospatial/r-intro-geospatial/renv/profiles/lesson-requirements/renv/library/R-4.3/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu".

# Installing packages --------------------------------------------------------
- Installing vctrs ...                          OK [linked from cache]
- Installing dplyr ...                          OK [linked from cache]
Successfully installed 2 packages in 9.1 milliseconds.

It’s important to note that we only need to install the R package on our computer once. Well, if we install a new version of R on the same computer, then we will likely need to also re-install the R packages too.

Challenge 4

What code would we use to install the ggplot2 package?

We would use the following R code to install the ggplot2 package:



Now that we’ve installed the R package, we’re ready to use it! To use the R package, we need to “load” it into our R session. We can think of “loading” an R packages as telling R that we’re ready to use the package we just installed. It’s important to note that while we only have to install the package once, we’ll have to load the package each time we open R (or RStudio).

To load an R package, we use the library( ) function. We can load the dplyr package like this:




Attaching package: 'dplyr'


The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag


The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Challenge 5

Which of the following could we use to load the ggplot2 package? (Select all that apply.)

  1. install.packages(“ggplot2”)
  2. library(“ggplot2”)
  3. library(ggplot2)
  4. library(ggplo2)

The correct answers are b and c. Answer a will install, not load, the ggplot2 package. Answer b will correctly load the ggplot2 package. Note there are no quotation marks. Answer c will correctly load the ggplot2 package. Note there are quotation marks. Answer d will produce an error because ggplot2 is misspelled.

Note: It is more common for coders to not use quotation marks when loading an R package (i.e., answer c).



Key Points

  • Use RStudio to write and run R programs.
  • R has the usual arithmetic operators.
  • Use <- to assign values to variables.
  • Use install.packages() to install packages (libraries).

Content from Project Management With RStudio

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can I manage my projects in R?


  • Create self-contained projects in RStudio


The scientific process is naturally incremental, and many projects start life as random notes, some code, then a manuscript, and eventually everything is a bit mixed together. Organising a project involving spatial data is no different from any other data analysis project, although you may require more disk space than usual.

Most people tend to organize their projects like this:

A screenshot of a project folder containing multiple versions of data, analysis scripts, figures, and results files

There are many reasons why we should ALWAYS avoid this:

  1. It is really hard to tell which version of your data is the original and which is the modified;
  2. It gets really messy because it mixes files with various extensions together;
  3. It probably takes you a lot of time to actually find things, and relate the correct figures to the exact code that has been used to generate it;

A good project layout will ultimately make your life easier:

  • It will help ensure the integrity of your data;
  • It makes it simpler to share your code with someone else (a lab-mate, collaborator, or supervisor);
  • It allows you to easily upload your code with your manuscript submission;
  • It makes it easier to pick the project back up after a break.

A possible solution

Fortunately, there are tools and packages which can help you manage your work effectively.

One of the most powerful and useful aspects of RStudio is its project management functionality. We’ll be using this today to create a self-contained, reproducible project.

Challenge: Creating a self-contained project

We’re going to create a new project in RStudio:

  1. Click the “File” menu button, then “New Project”.
  2. Click “New Directory”.
  3. Click “Empty Project”.
  4. Type in “r-geospatial” as the name of the directory.
  5. Click the “Create Project” button.

A key advantage of an RStudio Project is that whenever we open this project in subsequent RStudio sessions our working directory will always be set to the folder r-geospatial. Let’s check our working directory by entering the following into the R console:



R should return your/path/r-geospatial as the working directory.

Best practices for project organization

Although there is no “best” way to lay out a project, there are some general principles to adhere to that will make project management easier:

Treat data as read only

This is probably the most important goal of setting up a project. Data is typically time consuming and/or expensive to collect. Working with them interactively (e.g., in Excel) where they can be modified means you are never sure of where the data came from, or how it has been modified since collection. It is therefore a good idea to treat your data as “read-only”.

Data Cleaning

In many cases your data will be “dirty”: it will need significant preprocessing to get into a format R (or any other programming language) will find useful. This task is sometimes called “data munging”. I find it useful to store these scripts in a separate folder, and create a second “read-only” data folder to hold the “cleaned” data sets.

Treat generated output as disposable

Anything generated by your scripts should be treated as disposable: it should all be able to be regenerated from your scripts.

There are lots of different ways to manage this output. I find it useful to have an output folder with different sub-directories for each separate analysis. This makes it easier later, as many of my analyses are exploratory and don’t end up being used in the final project, and some of the analyses get shared between projects.

Some GIS file formats are really 3-6 files that need to be kept together and have the same name, e.g. shapefiles. It may be tempting to store those components separately, but your spatial data will be unusable if you do that.

Keep a consistent naming scheme

It is generally best to avoid renaming downloaded spatial data, so that a clear connection is maintained with the point of truth. You may otherwise find yourself wondering whether file_A really is just a copy of Official_file_on_website or not.

For datasets you generate, it’s worth taking the time to come up with a naming convention that works for your project, and sticking to it. File names don’t have to be long, they just have to be long enough that you can tell what the file is about. Date generated, topic, and whether a product is intermediate or final are good bits of information to keep in a file name. For more tips on naming files, check out the slides from Jenny Bryan’s talk “Naming things” at the 2015 Reproducible Science Workshop.

Tip: Good Enough Practices for Scientific Computing

Good Enough Practices for Scientific Computing gives the following recommendations for project organization:

  1. Put each project in its own directory, which is named after the project.
  2. Put text documents associated with the project in the doc directory.
  3. Put raw data and metadata in the data directory, and files generated during cleanup and analysis in a results directory.
  4. Put source for the project’s scripts and programs in the src directory, and programs brought in from elsewhere or compiled locally in the bin directory.
  5. Name all files to reflect their content or function.

Save the data in the data directory

Now we have a good directory structure we will now place/save our data files in the data/ directory.

Challenge 1

1. Download each of the data files listed below (Ctrl+S, right mouse click -> “Save as”, or File -> “Save page as”)

2. Make sure the files have the following names:

  • dmr_kelp_urchin.csv
  • casco_kelp_urchin.csv
  • casco_kelp_urchin_2.csv

3. Save the files in the data/ folder within your project.

We will load and inspect these data later.

Challenge 2

We also want to move the data that we downloaded from the data page into a subdirectory inside r-geospatial. If you haven’t already downloaded the data, you can do so by clicking this download link.

  1. Move the downloaded zip file to the data directory.
  2. Once the data have been moved, unzip all files.

Once you have completed moving the data across to the new folder, your data directory should look as follows:


Stage your scripts

Creating separate R scripts or Rmarkdown documents for different stages of a project will maximise efficiency. For instance, separating data download commands into their own file means that you won’t re-download data unnecessarily.

Key Points

  • Use RStudio to create and manage projects with consistent layout.
  • Treat raw data as read-only.
  • Treat generated output as disposable.

Content from Data Structures

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can I read data in R?
  • What are the basic data types in R?
  • How do I represent categorical information in R?


  • To be aware of the different types of data.
  • To begin exploring data frames, and understand how they are related to vectors and factors.
  • To be able to ask questions from R about the type, class, and structure of an object.

One of R’s most powerful features is its ability to deal with tabular data, such as you may already have in a spreadsheet or a CSV file. Let’s start by downloading and reading in a file casco_kelp_urchin.csv. We will save this data as an object named casco_dmr:


casco_dmr <- read.csv("data/casco_kelp_urchin.csv")

The read.table function is used for reading in tabular data stored in a text file where the columns of data are separated by punctuation characters such as tabs (tab-delimited, sometimes with .txt or .tsv extensions) or commas (comma-delimited values, often with .csv extensions). For convenience R provides 2 other versions of read.table. These are: read.csv for files where the data are separated with commas and read.delim for files where the data are separated with tabs. Of these three functions read.csv is the most commonly used. If needed it is possible to override the default delimiting punctuation marks for both read.csv and read.delim.

Miscellaneous Tips

  • Files can also be downloaded directly from the Internet into a local folder of your choice onto your computer using the download.file function. The read.csv function can then be executed to read the downloaded file from the download location, for example,


              destfile = "data/casco_kelp_urchin.csv")
casco_dmr <- read.csv("data/casco_kelp_urchin.csv")
  • Alternatively, you can also read in files directly into R from the Internet by replacing the file paths with a web address in read.csv. One should note that in doing this no local copy of the csv file is first saved onto your computer. For example,


casco_dmr <- read.csv("") 
  • You can read directly from excel spreadsheets without converting them to plain text first by using the readxl package.

We can begin exploring our dataset right away, pulling out columns by specifying them using the $ operator:




 [1] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002
[16] 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005
[31] 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006
[46] 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009
[61] 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011
[76] 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014




 [1]  92.5  59.0   7.7  52.5  29.2 100.0   0.8  87.5  13.0  86.5  96.5  65.0
[13]   5.0   0.0 100.0  64.0  81.0 100.0  56.0  19.5  31.5  55.0  80.5  68.5
[25]  43.0  50.0   9.5  30.0  49.0  79.5  44.5  46.5  24.0  50.5  30.5  42.0
[37]  49.5  51.0  39.0   0.5  71.0  11.0  33.5  75.0  82.5   0.5  35.0   8.5
[49]  55.5  26.0  87.0  32.5   5.0  16.5 100.0  22.0  97.0  39.0   1.5  71.0
[61]  10.5  63.0  73.5  70.5  67.5  17.5   7.5   7.0   0.0  69.5  13.5   2.0
[73]  41.5   7.5  74.5  62.5  76.5  74.5   4.5  71.0   9.5   0.5  46.5  41.5
[85]  55.0  11.0  63.5  14.5  25.5  31.0

We can do other operations on the columns. For example, if we discovered that our data were actually collected two years later:


casco_dmr$year + 2


 [1] 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004
[16] 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007
[31] 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008
[46] 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011
[61] 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013
[76] 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016

As an aside, did this change the original year data? How would you check?

But what about:


casco_dmr$year + casco_dmr$region


Error in casco_dmr$year + casco_dmr$region: non-numeric argument to binary operator

Understanding what happened here is key to successfully analyzing data in R.

Data Types

If you guessed that the last command will return an error because 2008 plus "Casco Bay" is nonsense, you’re right - and you already have some intuition for an important concept in programming called data classes. We can ask what class of data something is:




[1] "integer"

There are 6 main types: numeric, integer, complex, logical, character, and factor.




[1] "numeric"


class(1L) # The L suffix forces the number to be an integer, since by default R uses float numbers


[1] "integer"




[1] "complex"




[1] "logical"




[1] "character"




[1] "factor"

The types numeric, integer, and complex are all numbers, although they are stored differently and have different mathematical properties. logical type data include only TRUE and FALSE values, while character type data can contain any kind of characters. Finally, factor is a special type that was built to help us store categorical variables, variables that have a fixed and known set of possible values. We’ll talk more about them in a little bit.

No matter how complicated our analyses become, all data in R is interpreted a specific data class. This strictness has some really important consequences.

Let’s say that a collaborator sends you an updated data file named data/casco_kelp_urchin_2.csv.

Load the new data file as casco_dmr_2, and check what class of data we find in the year column:


casco_dmr_2 <- read.csv("data/casco_kelp_urchin_2.csv")


[1] "character"

Oh no, our year data aren’t the numeric type anymore! If we try to do the same math we did on them before, we run into trouble:


casco_dmr_2$year + 2


Error in casco_dmr_2$year + 2: non-numeric argument to binary operator

What happened? When R reads a csv file into one of these tables, it insists that everything in a column be the same class; if it can’t understand everything in the column as numeric, then nothing in the column gets to be numeric. The table that R loaded our data into is something called a dataframe, and it is our first example of something called a data structure, that is, a structure which R knows how to build out of the basic data types.

We can see that it is a dataframe by calling the class() function on it:




[1] "data.frame"

In order to successfully use our data in R, we need to understand what the basic data structures are, and how they behave. Note: in this lesson we will not cover lists, which are a basic data structure in R. You can learn more about them here.

Vectors and Type Coercion

To better understand this behavior, let’s meet another of the data structures: the vector.


my_vector <- vector(length = 3)



A vector in R is essentially an ordered list of things, with the special condition that everything in the vector must be the same basic data type. If you don’t choose the data type, it’ll default to logical; or, you can declare an empty vector of whatever type you like.


another_vector <- vector(mode = 'character', length = 3)


[1] "" "" ""

You can check if something is a vector:




 chr [1:3] "" "" ""

The somewhat cryptic output from this command indicates the basic data type found in this vector (in this case chr or character), an indication of the number of things in the vector (the indexes of the vector, in this case: [1:3]), and a few examples of what’s actually in the vector (in this case empty character strings). If we similarly do:




 int [1:90] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ...

we see that casco_dmr$year is a vector, too! The columns of data we load into R data frames are all vectors, and that’s the root of why R forces everything in a column to be the same basic data type.

Discussion 1

Why is R so opinionated about what we put in our columns of data? How does this help us?

By keeping everything in a column the same, we allow ourselves to make simple assumptions about our data; if you can interpret one entry in the column as a number, then you can interpret all of them as numbers, so we don’t have to check every time. This consistency is what people mean when they talk about clean data; in the long run, strict consistency goes a long way to making our lives easier in R.

You can also make vectors with explicit contents with the combine function:


combine_vector <- c(2, 6, 3)


[1] 2 6 3

We can see what is at a certain index of a vector using the [] notation. For example, what is the second element of combine_vector?




[1] 6

Type Coercion

Given what we’ve learned so far, what do you think the following will produce?


quiz_vector <- c(2, 6, '3')

This is something called type coercion, and it is the source of many surprises and the reason why we need to be aware of the basic data types and how R will interpret them. When R encounters a mix of types (here numeric and character) to be combined into a single vector, it will force them all to be the same type. Consider:


coercion_vector <- c('a', TRUE)


[1] "a"    "TRUE"


another_coercion_vector <- c(0, TRUE)


[1] 0 1

The coercion rules go: logical -> integer -> numeric -> complex -> character, where -> can be read as are transformed into. You can try to force coercion against this flow using the as. functions:


character_vector_example <- c('0', '2', '4')


[1] "0" "2" "4"


character_coerced_to_numeric <- as.numeric(character_vector_example)


[1] 0 2 4


numeric_coerced_to_logical <- as.logical(character_coerced_to_numeric)



As you can see, some surprising things can happen when R forces one basic data type into another! Nitty-gritty of type coercion aside, the point is: if your data doesn’t look like what you thought it was going to look like, type coercion may well be to blame; make sure everything is the same type in your vectors and your columns of data frames, or you will get nasty surprises!

Challenge 1

Given what you now know about type conversion, look at the class of data in casco_dmr$year and compare it with casco_dmr_2$year. Why are these columns different classes?




 int [1:90] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ...




 chr [1:90] "year 2001" "2001" "2001" "2001" "2001" "2001" "2001" "2002" ...

The data in casco_dmr_2$year is stored as a character vector, rather than as a numeric vector. This is because of the “year” character string in the first data point.

The combine function, c(), will also append things to an existing vector:


ab_vector <- c('a', 'b')


[1] "a" "b"


combine_example <- c(ab_vector, 'DC')


[1] "a"  "b"  "DC"

You can also make series of numbers:


my_series <- 1:10


 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10




 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10


seq(1,10, by = 0.1)


 [1]  1.0  1.1  1.2  1.3  1.4  1.5  1.6  1.7  1.8  1.9  2.0  2.1  2.2  2.3  2.4
[16]  2.5  2.6  2.7  2.8  2.9  3.0  3.1  3.2  3.3  3.4  3.5  3.6  3.7  3.8  3.9
[31]  4.0  4.1  4.2  4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7  4.8  4.9  5.0  5.1  5.2  5.3  5.4
[46]  5.5  5.6  5.7  5.8  5.9  6.0  6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5  6.6  6.7  6.8  6.9
[61]  7.0  7.1  7.2  7.3  7.4  7.5  7.6  7.7  7.8  7.9  8.0  8.1  8.2  8.3  8.4
[76]  8.5  8.6  8.7  8.8  8.9  9.0  9.1  9.2  9.3  9.4  9.5  9.6  9.7  9.8  9.9
[91] 10.0

We can ask a few questions about vectors:


sequence_example <- seq(10)
head(sequence_example,n = 2)


[1] 1 2


tail(sequence_example, n = 4)


[1]  7  8  9 10




[1] 10




[1] "integer"

Finally, you can give names to elements in your vector:


my_example <- 5:8
names(my_example) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")


a b c d 
5 6 7 8 




[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"

Challenge 2

Start by making a vector with the numbers 1 through 26. Multiply the vector by 2, and give the resulting vector names A through Z (hint: there is a built in vector called LETTERS)


x <- 1:26
x <- x * 2
names(x) <- LETTERS


We said that columns in data frames were vectors:




 int [1:90] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ...




 num [1:90] 92.5 59 7.7 52.5 29.2 100 0.8 87.5 13 86.5 ...




 chr [1:90] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" ...

One final important data structure in R is called a “factor” (that special data type we mentioned above). Factors look like character data, but are used to represent data where each element of the vector must be one of a limited number of “levels”. To phrase that another way, factors are an “enumerated” type where there are a finite number of pre-defined values that your vector can have.

For example, let’s make a character vector with all the sampling regions in the DMR kelp data:


maine_regions <- c("York", "Casco Bay", "Midcoast", "Penobscot Bay", "MDI", "Downeast")


[1] "York"          "Casco Bay"     "Midcoast"      "Penobscot Bay"
[5] "MDI"           "Downeast"     




[1] "character"




 chr [1:6] "York" "Casco Bay" "Midcoast" "Penobscot Bay" "MDI" "Downeast"

We can turn a vector into a factor like so:


me_region_factor <- factor(maine_regions)


[1] "factor"




 Factor w/ 6 levels "Casco Bay","Downeast",..: 6 1 4 5 3 2

Now R has noticed that there are 6 possible categories in our data, but it also did something surprising. Instead of printing out the strings we gave it, we got a bunch of numbers instead. R has replaced our human-readable categories with numbered indices under the hood! This is necessary as many statistical calculations utilize such numerical representations for categorical data.

Challenge 3

Convert the region column of our casco_dmr data frame to a factor. Then try converting it back to a character vector.

Now try converting year in our casco_dmr data frame to a factor, then back to a numeric vector. What happens if you use as.numeric()?

Remember that you can always reload the casco_dmr data frame using read.csv("data/casco_kelp_urchin.csv") if you accidentally mess up your data!

Converting character vectors to factors can be done using the factor() function:


casco_dmr$region <- factor(casco_dmr$region)


 [1] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
 [8] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[15] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[22] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[29] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[36] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[43] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[50] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[57] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[64] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[71] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[78] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
[85] Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay Casco Bay
Levels: Casco Bay

You can convert these back to character vectors using as.character():


casco_dmr$region <- as.character(casco_dmr$region)


 [1] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
 [7] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[13] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[19] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[25] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[31] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[37] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[43] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[49] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[55] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[61] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[67] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[73] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[79] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"
[85] "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay" "Casco Bay"

You can convert numeric vectors to factors in the exact same way:


casco_dmr$year <- factor(casco_dmr$year)


 [1] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002
[16] 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005
[31] 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006
[46] 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009
[61] 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011
[76] 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014
Levels: 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014

But be careful – you can’t use as.numeric() to convert factors to numerics!




 [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4
[26]  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  7  7  7  7  7
[51]  7  7  8  8  8  8  8  8  9  9  9  9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11
[76] 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Instead, as.numeric() converts factors to those “numbers under the hood” we talked about. To go from a factor to a number, you need to first turn the factor into a character vector, and then turn that into a numeric vector:


casco_dmr$year <- as.character(casco_dmr$year)
casco_dmr$year <- as.numeric(casco_dmr$year)


 [1] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002
[16] 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005
[31] 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006
[46] 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009
[61] 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011
[76] 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014

Note: new students find the help files difficult to understand; make sure to let them know that this is typical, and encourage them to take their best guess based on semantic meaning, even if they aren’t sure.

When doing statistical modelling, it’s important to know what the baseline levels are. This is assumed to be the first factor, but by default factors are labeled in alphabetical order. You can change this by specifying the levels:


treatment <- c("case", "control", "control", "case")
factor_ordering_example <- factor(treatment, levels = c("control", "case"))


 Factor w/ 2 levels "control","case": 2 1 1 2

In this case, we’ve explicitly told R that “control” should represented by 1, and “case” by 2. This designation can be very important for interpreting the results of statistical models!

To know what the levels map to, we can use levels() for factors. To do the same for characters, we can use unique().




[1] "control" "case"   




[1] "York"          "Casco Bay"     "Midcoast"      "Penobscot Bay"
[5] "MDI"           "Downeast"     

Note that the order is different! For unique(), it’s based on the order of observation in the vector. For levels, it’s been set. If we want to sort from unique(), which can be very useful, we can try:


non_alpha_vector <- c("b", "a", "c")



[1] "b" "a" "c"


sort(unique(non_alpha_vector) )


[1] "a" "b" "c"

Key Points

  • Use read.csv to read tabular data in R.
  • The basic data types in R are numeric, integer, complex, logical, character, and factor.
  • Dataframes store columns of the same data type as vectors.
  • Use characters and factors to represent categories in R.

Content from Subsetting Data

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can I work with subsets of data in R?


  • To be able to subset vectors and data frames
  • To be able to extract individual and multiple elements: by index, by name, using comparison operations
  • To be able to skip and remove elements from various data structures.

R has many powerful subset operators. Mastering them will allow you to easily perform complex operations on any kind of dataset.

There are six different ways we can subset any kind of object, and three different subsetting operators for the different data structures. Why so many? Well, this gives us a lot of flexibility that can come in useful. At first, though, it may seem overwhelming. Don’t worry!

Let’s start with the workhorse of R: a simple numeric vector.


x <- c(5.4, 6.2, 7.1, 4.8, 7.5)
names(x) <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')


  a   b   c   d   e 
5.4 6.2 7.1 4.8 7.5 

Atomic vectors

In R, simple vectors containing character strings, numbers, or logical values are called atomic vectors because they can’t be further simplified.

So now that we’ve created a dummy vector to play with, how do we get at its contents?

Accessing elements using their indices

To extract elements of a vector we can give their corresponding index, or their numbered place in the vector starting from one:









It may look different, but the square brackets operator is a function. For vectors (and matrices), it means “get me the nth element”.

We can ask for multiple elements at once:


x[c(1, 3)]


  a   c 
5.4 7.1 

Or slices of the vector:




  a   b   c   d 
5.4 6.2 7.1 4.8 

the : operator creates a sequence of numbers from the left element to the right.




[1] 1 2 3 4


c(1, 2, 3, 4)


[1] 1 2 3 4

We can ask for the same element multiple times:


x[c(1, 1, 3)]


  a   a   c 
5.4 5.4 7.1 

If we ask for an index beyond the length of the vector, R will return a missing value:





This is a vector of length one containing an NA, whose name is also NA. Here NA stands for “Not Available”, and is a common way to represent a missing value.

If we ask for the 0th element, we get an empty vector:




named numeric(0)

Vector numbering in R starts at 1

In many programming languages (C and Python, for example), the first element of a vector has an index of 0. In R, the first element is 1.

Skipping and removing elements

If we use a negative number as the index of a vector, R will return every element except for the one specified:




  a   c   d   e 
5.4 7.1 4.8 7.5 

We can skip multiple elements:


x[c(-1, -5)]  # or x[-c(1,5)]


  b   c   d 
6.2 7.1 4.8 

Tip: Order of operations

A common trip up for novices occurs when trying to skip slices of a vector. It’s natural to to try to negate a sequence like so:



This gives a somewhat cryptic error:


Error in x[-1:3]: only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts

But remember the order of operations. : is really a function. It takes its first argument as -1, and its second as 3, so generates the sequence of numbers: c(-1, 0, 1, 2, 3).

The correct solution is to wrap that function call in brackets, so that the - operator applies to the result:




  d   e 
4.8 7.5 

To remove elements from a vector, we need to assign the result back into the variable:


x <- x[-4]


  a   b   c   e 
5.4 6.2 7.1 7.5 

Challenge 1

Given the following code:


x <- c(5.4, 6.2, 7.1, 4.8, 7.5)
names(x) <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')


  a   b   c   d   e 
5.4 6.2 7.1 4.8 7.5 

Come up with at least 3 different commands that will produce the following output:


  b   c   d 
6.2 7.1 4.8 

After you find 3 different commands, compare notes with your neighbour. Did you have different strategies?




  b   c   d 
6.2 7.1 4.8 




  b   c   d 
6.2 7.1 4.8 


x[c("b", "c", "d")]


  b   c   d 
6.2 7.1 4.8 




  b   c   d 
6.2 7.1 4.8 

Subsetting by name

We can extract elements by using their name, instead of extracting by index:


x <- c(a = 5.4, b = 6.2, c = 7.1, d = 4.8, e = 7.5) # we can name a vector 'on the fly'
x[c("a", "c")]


  a   c 
5.4 7.1 

This is usually a much more reliable way to subset objects: the position of various elements can often change when chaining together subsetting operations, but the names will always remain the same!

Subsetting through other logical operations

We can also use any logical vector to subset:




  c   e 
7.1 7.5 

Since comparison operators (e.g. >, <, ==) evaluate to logical vectors, we can also use them to succinctly subset vectors: the following statement gives the same result as the previous one.


x[x > 7]


  c   e 
7.1 7.5 

Breaking it down, this statement first evaluates x > 7, generating a logical vector c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), and then selects the elements of x corresponding to the TRUE values.

We can use == to mimic the previous method of indexing by name (you have to use == rather than = for comparisons, as R has another use for =):


x[names(x) == "a"]



Tip: Combining logical conditions

We often want to combine multiple logical criteria. For example, we might want to find all the plots that are located in Casco Bay or Penobscot Bay and have urchin densities within a certain range. Several operations for combining logical vectors exist in R:

  • &, the “logical AND” operator: returns TRUE if both the left and right are TRUE.
  • |, the “logical OR” operator: returns TRUE, if either the left or right (or both) are TRUE.

You may sometimes see && and || instead of & and |. These two-character operators only look at the first element of each vector and ignore the remaining elements. In general you should not use the two-character operators in data analysis; save them for programming, i.e. deciding whether to execute a statement.

  • !, the “logical NOT” operator: converts TRUE to FALSE and FALSE to TRUE. It can negate a single logical condition (eg !TRUE becomes FALSE), or a whole vector of conditions(eg !c(TRUE, FALSE) becomes c(FALSE, TRUE)).

Additionally, you can compare the elements within a single vector using the all function (which returns TRUE if every element of the vector is TRUE) and the any function (which returns TRUE if one or more elements of the vector are TRUE).

Challenge 2

Given the following code:


x <- c(5.4, 6.2, 7.1, 4.8, 7.5)
names(x) <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')


  a   b   c   d   e 
5.4 6.2 7.1 4.8 7.5 

Write a subsetting command to return the values in x that are greater than 4 and less than 7.


x_subset <- x[x<7 & x>4]


  a   b   d 
5.4 6.2 4.8 

Skipping named elements

Skipping or removing named elements is a little harder. If we try to skip one named element by negating the string, R complains (slightly obscurely) that it doesn’t know how to take the negative of a string:


x <- c(a=5.4, b=6.2, c=7.1, d=4.8, e=7.5) # we start again by naming a vector 'on the fly'


Error in -"a": invalid argument to unary operator

However, we can use the != (not-equals) operator to construct a logical vector that will do what we want:


x[names(x) != "a"]


  b   c   d   e 
6.2 7.1 4.8 7.5 

Skipping multiple named indices is a little bit harder still. Suppose we want to drop the "a" and "c" elements, so we try this:




Warning in names(x) != c("a", "c"): longer object length is not a multiple of
shorter object length


  b   c   d   e 
6.2 7.1 4.8 7.5 

R did something, but it gave us a warning that we ought to pay attention to, and it apparently gave us the wrong answer (the "c" element is still included in the vector)!

So what does != actually do in this case? That’s an excellent question.


Let’s take a look at the comparison component of this code:


names(x) != c("a", "c")


Warning in names(x) != c("a", "c"): longer object length is not a multiple of
shorter object length



Why does R give TRUE as the third element of this vector, when names(x)[3] != "c" is obviously false? When you use !=, R tries to compare each element of the left argument with the corresponding element of its right argument. What happens when you compare vectors of different lengths?

When one vector is shorter than the other, it gets recycled. In this case R repeats c("a", "c") as many times as necessary to match names(x), i.e. we get c("a","c","a","c","a"). Since the recycled "a" doesn’t match the third element of names(x), the value of != is TRUE. Because in this case the longer vector length (5) isn’t a multiple of the shorter vector length (2), R printed a warning message. If we had been unlucky and names(x) had contained six elements, R would silently have done the wrong thing (i.e., not what we intended it to do). This recycling rule can can introduce hard-to-find and subtle bugs!

The way to get R to do what we really want (match each element of the left argument with all of the elements of the right argument) it to use the %in% operator. The %in% operator goes through each element of its left argument, in this case the names of x, and asks, “Does this element occur in the second argument?”. Here, since we want to exclude values, we also need a ! operator to change “in” to “not in”:


x[! names(x) %in% c("a","c") ]


  b   d   e 
6.2 4.8 7.5 

Tip: Getting help for operators

You can search for help on operators by wrapping them in quotes: help("%in%") or ?"%in%".

Handling special values

At some point you will encounter functions in R that cannot handle missing, infinite, or undefined data.

There are a number of special functions you can use to filter out this data:

  • will return all positions in a vector, matrix, or data frame containing NA (or NaN)
  • likewise, is.nan, and is.infinite will do the same for NaN and Inf.
  • is.finite will return all positions in a vector, matrix, or data.frame that do not contain NA, NaN or Inf.
  • na.omit will filter out all missing values from a vector

Data frames

Data frames are two dimensional objects (under the hood they are structured as lists in R, but we aren’t going to go into detail on that). Data frames have some useful subsetting operators.

Let’s look at the Casco Bay DMR kelp-urchin data again.


casco_dmr <- read.csv("data/casco_kelp_urchin.csv") # if you don't already have the data loaded

[ with one argument will extract a column - each element of the data frame corresponds to a column. The resulting object will be a data frame:




1             2
2             2
3             3
4             2
5             2
6             1




[1] "data.frame"

Similarly, [[ will act to extract a single column:




[1] 2 2 3 2 2 1

And $ provides a convenient shorthand to extract columns by name:




[1] 2 2 3 2 2 1

To select specific rows and/or columns, you can provide two arguments to [. The first identifies the rows to subset, and the second the columns.


casco_dmr[1:3, ]


  year    region exposure.code coastal.code latitude longitude depth crust
1 2001 Casco Bay             2            2 43.72766 -70.10721     5   6.1
2 2001 Casco Bay             2            2 43.76509 -69.96087     5  31.5
3 2001 Casco Bay             3            3 43.75199 -69.93420     5  31.5
  understory kelp urchin month day survey site
1       38.5 92.5      0     6  15    dmr   66
2       74.0 59.0      0     6  15    dmr   71
3       96.5  7.7      0     6  15    dmr   70

If we subset a single row, the result will be a data frame (because the elements are mixed types):


casco_dmr[3, ]


  year    region exposure.code coastal.code latitude longitude depth crust
3 2001 Casco Bay             3            3 43.75199  -69.9342     5  31.5
  understory kelp urchin month day survey site
3       96.5  7.7      0     6  15    dmr   70

But for a single column the result will be a vector (this can be changed with the argument, drop = FALSE).


str(casco_dmr[, 3])


 int [1:90] 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 5 ...


str(casco_dmr[, 3, drop = FALSE])


'data.frame':	90 obs. of  1 variable:
 $ exposure.code: int  2 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 5 ...

Challenge 3

Fix each of the following common data frame subsetting errors:

  1. Extract observations collected for the year 2011


casco_dmr[casco_dmr$year = 2011, ]
  1. Extract all columns except 1 through to 4


casco_dmr[, -1:4]
  1. Extract the rows where the kelp percent cover is greater than 80%


casco_dmr[casco_dmr$kelp > 80]
  1. Extract the first row, and the fifth and sixth columns (latitude and longitude).


casco_dmr[1, 5, 6]
  1. Advanced: extract rows that contain information for the years 2002 or 2007


casco_dmr[casco_dmr$year == 2002 | 2007,]

Fix each of the following common data frame subsetting errors:

  1. Extract observations collected for the year 2011


# casco_dmr[casco_dmr$year = 2011, ]
casco_dmr[casco_dmr$year == 2011, ]
  1. Extract all columns except 1 through to 4


# casco_dmr[, -1:4]
  1. Extract the rows where the kelp cover is greater than 80%


# casco_dmr[casco_dmr$kelp > 80]
casco_dmr[casco_dmr$kelp > 80,]
  1. Extract the first row, and the fifth and sixth columns (latitude and longitude).


# casco_dmr[1, 5, 6]
casco_dmr[1, c(5, 6)]
  1. Advanced: extract rows that contain information for the years 2002 and 2007


# casco_dmr[casco_dmr$year == 2002 | 2007,]
casco_dmr[casco_dmr$year == 2002 | casco_dmr$year == 2007,]
casco_dmr[casco_dmr$year %in% c(2002, 2007),]

Challenge 4

  1. Why does casco_dmr[1:20] return an error? How does it differ from casco_dmr[1:20, ]?

  2. Create a new data.frame called casco_dmr_small that only contains rows 1 through 9 and 19 through 23. You can do this in one or two steps.

  1. casco_dmr is a data.frame so it needs to be subsetted on two dimensions. casco_dmr[1:20, ] subsets the data to give the first 20 rows and all columns.


casco_dmr_small <- casco_dmr[c(1:9, 19:23),]

Key Points

  • Indexing in R starts at 1, not 0.
  • Access individual values by location using [].
  • Access slices of data using [low:high].
  • Access arbitrary sets of data using [c(...)].
  • Use logical operations and logical vectors to access subsets of data.

Content from Data frame Manipulation with dplyr

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can I manipulate dataframes without repeating myself?


  • To be able to use the six main dataframe manipulation ‘verbs’ with pipes in dplyr.
  • To understand how group_by() and summarize() can be combined to summarize datasets.
  • Be able to analyze a subset of data using logical filtering.

Let’s begin by loading the Maine DMR kelp-urchin data for the whole coastline.


dmr <- read.csv("data/dmr_kelp_urchin.csv") 

Manipulation of dataframes means many things to many researchers. We often select certain observations (rows) or variables (columns), we often group the data by a certain variable(s), or we even calculate new variables or summary statistics. We can do these operations using the base R operations we’ve already learned:


mean(dmr[dmr$year == 2001, "kelp"])


[1] 41.36417


mean(dmr[dmr$year == 2008, "kelp"])


[1] 55.89091


mean(dmr[dmr$year == 2014, "kelp"])


[1] 39.21705

But this isn’t very efficient, and can become tedious quickly because there is a fair bit of repetition. Repeating yourself will cost you time, both now and later, and potentially introduce some nasty bugs.

The dplyr package

Luckily, the dplyr package provides a number of very useful functions for manipulating dataframes in a way that will reduce the above repetition, reduce the probability of making errors, and probably even save you some typing. As an added bonus, you might even find the dplyr grammar easier to read.

Here we’re going to cover 6 of the most commonly used functions as well as using pipes (|>) to combine them.

  1. select()
  2. filter()
  3. group_by()
  4. summarize()
  5. count() and n()
  6. mutate()

If you have have not installed this package earlier, please do so:



Now let’s load the package:



Using select()

If, for example, we wanted to move forward with only a few of the variables in our dataframe we could use the select() function. This will keep only the variables you select.


dmr_kelp <- select(dmr, year, region, kelp)
Illustration of selecting two columns from a dataframe

If we examine dmr_kelp we’ll see that it only contains the year, region and kelp columns.

The Pipe

Above we used ‘normal’ grammar, but the strengths of dplyr lie in combining several functions using pipes. Since the pipes grammar is unlike anything we’ve seen in R before, let’s repeat what we’ve done above using pipes.


dmr_kelp <- dmr |> select(year, region, kelp)

To help you understand why we wrote that in that way, let’s walk through it step by step. First we summon the dmr data frame and pass it on, using the pipe symbol |>, to the next step, which is the select() function. In this case we don’t specify which data object we use in the select() function since in gets that from the previous pipe. Pipes can be used for more than just dplyr functions. For example, what if we wanted the unique region names in dmr?


dmr$region |> unique()


[1] "York"          "Casco Bay"     "Midcoast"      "Penobscot Bay"
[5] "MDI"           "Downeast"     

We can also chain pipes together. What if we wanted those unique region names sorted?


dmr$region |> unique() |> sort()


[1] "Casco Bay"     "Downeast"      "MDI"           "Midcoast"     
[5] "Penobscot Bay" "York"         

To make our code more readable when we chain operations together, we often separate each step onto its own line of code.


dmr$region |>
  unique() |>

This has the secondary benefit that if you’re puzzing through a particularly difficult workflow, you can write it out in comments with one step on each line, and then figure out what functions to use. Like as follows


# Step 1: write our what you want to do

# start with regions
  # get the unique values
  # sort them

# Step 2. fill in the first bit

# start with regions
  # get the unique values
  # sort them

# Step 3. fill in the second step after looking up ??unique

# start with regions
dmr$region |>
  # get the unique values
  # sort them

# Step 4. Bring it home after googling "how to make alphabetical in R"

# start with regions
dmr$region |>
  # get the unique values
  unique() |>
  # sort them


Fun Fact: You may have encountered pipes before in other programming contexts. In R, a pipe symbol is |> while in other contexts it is often | but the concept is the same!

The |> operator is relatively new in R as part of the base language. But, the use of pipes has been around for longer. dplyr and many tidyverse libraries adopted the pipe from the magrittr library Danish data scientist Stefan Milton Bache and first released in 2014. You might see %>% in code from experienced R uses who still use the older style pipe. There are some subtle differences between the two, but for what we will be doing, |> will work just fine. Also, Hadley Wickham (the original author of dplyr and much of the tidyverse who popularized %>%) is pro-base-pipe.

Using filter()

Just as select subsets columns, filter subsets rows using logical arguments. If we now wanted to move forward with the above, but only with data from 2011 and kelp data, we can combine select and filter


dmr_2011 <- dmr |>
  filter(year == 2011) |>
  select(year, region, kelp)

Challenge 1

Write a single command (which can span multiple lines and includes pipes) that will produce a dataframe that has the Midcoast values for kelp, urchin and year, but not for other regions. How many rows does your dataframe have and why?


year_kelp_urchin_dmr <- dmr |>
                           filter(region=="Midcoast") |>



[1] 249

249 rows, as they are only the Midcoast samples

As with last time, first we pass the dmr dataframe to the filter() function, then we pass the filtered version of the dmr data frame to the select() function. Note: The order of operations is very important in this case. If we used ‘select’ first, filter would not be able to find the variable region since we would have removed it in the previous step.

We could now do some specific operations (like calculating summary statistics) on just the Midcoast region.

Using group_by() and summarize()

However, we were supposed to be reducing the error prone repetitiveness of what can be done with base R! If we wanted to do something for each region, we could take the above approach but we would have to repeat for each region. Instead of filter(), which will only pass observations that meet your criteria (in the above: region==“Midcoast”), we can usegroup_by()`, which will essentially use every unique criteria that you could have used in filter.




[1] "data.frame"


dmr |> group_by(region) |> class()


[1] "grouped_df" "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

You will notice that the structure of the dataframe where we used group_by() (grouped_df) is not the same as the original dmr (data.frame). A grouped_df can be thought of as a list where each item in the listis a data.frame which contains only the rows that correspond to the a particular value continent (at least in the example above).

Illustration of multiple dataframes created by piping a dataframe to group_by

To see this more explicitly, try str() and see the information about groups at the end.


dmr |> group_by(region) |> str()


gropd_df [1,478 × 15] (S3: grouped_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ year         : int [1:1478] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 ...
 $ region       : chr [1:1478] "York" "York" "York" "York" ...
 $ exposure.code: int [1:1478] 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 ...
 $ coastal.code : int [1:1478] 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 2 2 ...
 $ latitude     : num [1:1478] 43.1 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.5 ...
 $ longitude    : num [1:1478] -70.7 -70.6 -70.4 -70.3 -70.3 ...
 $ depth        : int [1:1478] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
 $ crust        : num [1:1478] 60 75.5 73.5 63.5 72.5 6.1 31.5 31.5 40.5 53 ...
 $ understory   : num [1:1478] 100 100 80 82 69 38.5 74 96.5 60 59.5 ...
 $ kelp         : num [1:1478] 1.9 0 18.5 0.6 63.5 92.5 59 7.7 52.5 29.2 ...
 $ urchin       : num [1:1478] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ month        : int [1:1478] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
 $ day          : int [1:1478] 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 8 8 ...
 $ survey       : chr [1:1478] "dmr" "dmr" "dmr" "dmr" ...
 $ site         : int [1:1478] 42 47 56 61 62 66 71 70 23 22 ...
 - attr(*, "groups")= tibble [6 × 2] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
  ..$ region: chr [1:6] "Casco Bay" "Downeast" "MDI" "Midcoast" ...
  ..$ .rows : list<int> [1:6] 
  .. ..$ : int [1:90] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 92 93 94 ...
  .. ..$ : int [1:483] 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ...
  .. ..$ : int [1:342] 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ...
  .. ..$ : int [1:249] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...
  .. ..$ : int [1:272] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ...
  .. ..$ : int [1:42] 1 2 3 4 5 90 91 170 171 172 ...
  .. ..@ ptype: int(0) 
  ..- attr(*, ".drop")= logi TRUE

Using summarize()

The above was a bit on the uneventful side but group_by() is much more exciting in conjunction with summarize(). This will allow us to create new variable(s) by using functions that repeat for each of the continent-specific data frames. That is to say, using the group_by() function, we split our original dataframe into multiple pieces, then we can run functions (e.g. mean() or sd()) within summarize().


kelp_by_region <- dmr |>
  group_by(region) |>
  summarize(mean_kelp = mean(kelp))



# A tibble: 6 × 2
  region        mean_kelp
  <chr>             <dbl>
1 Casco Bay          44.1
2 Downeast           67.0
3 MDI                46.9
4 Midcoast           40.5
5 Penobscot Bay      41.1
6 York               19.4
illustration of creating a summary dataframe from grouped data

That allowed us to calculate the mean kelp % cover for each region, but it gets even better.

Challenge 2

Calculate the average urchin abundance per region. Which region has the most urchins on average and which has the least?


urchin_by_region <- dmr |>
   group_by(region) |>
   summarize(mean_urchins = mean(urchin))

urchin_by_region |>
   filter(mean_urchins == min(mean_urchins) | mean_urchins == max(mean_urchins))


# A tibble: 2 × 2
  region        mean_urchins
  <chr>                <dbl>
1 Casco Bay           0.0767
2 Penobscot Bay       5.30  

Another way to do this is to use the dplyr function arrange(), which arranges the rows in a data frame according to the order of one or more variables from the data frame. It has similar syntax to other functions from the dplyr package. You can use desc() inside arrange() to sort in descending order.


urchin_by_region |>
   arrange(mean_urchins) |>


# A tibble: 1 × 2
  region    mean_urchins
  <chr>            <dbl>
1 Casco Bay       0.0767


urchin_by_region |>
   arrange(desc(mean_urchins)) |>


# A tibble: 1 × 2
  region        mean_urchins
  <chr>                <dbl>
1 Penobscot Bay         5.30

The function group_by() allows us to group by multiple variables. Let’s group by year and region.


kelp_region_year <- dmr |>
  group_by(region, year) |>
  summarize(mean_kelp = mean(kelp))


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'region'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

That is already quite powerful, but it gets even better! You’re not limited to defining 1 new variable in summarize().


kelp_urchin_region_year <- dmr |>
  group_by(region, year) |>
  summarize(mean_kelp = mean(kelp),
            mean_urchin = mean(urchin),
            sd_kelp = sd(kelp),
            sd_urchin = sd(urchin))

count() and n()

A very common operation is to count the number of observations for each group. The dplyr package comes with two related functions that help with this.

For instance, if we wanted to check the number of countries included in the dataset for the year 2002, we can use the count() function. It takes the name of one or more columns that contain the groups we are interested in, and we can optionally sort the results in descending order by adding sort=TRUE:


dmr |>
    filter(year == 2002) |>
    count(region, sort = TRUE)


         region  n
1      Downeast 25
2           MDI 17
3 Penobscot Bay 15
4      Midcoast 13
5     Casco Bay  8
6          York  2

If we need to use the number of observations in calculations, the n() function is useful. For instance, if we wanted to get the standard error of urchins per region:


dmr |>
    group_by(region) |>
    summarize(se_urchin = sd(urchin)/sqrt(n()))


# A tibble: 6 × 2
  region        se_urchin
  <chr>             <dbl>
1 Casco Bay        0.0392
2 Downeast         0.303 
3 MDI              0.388 
4 Midcoast         0.227 
5 Penobscot Bay    0.659 
6 York             0.788 

Using mutate()

We can also create new variables prior to (or even after) summarizing information using mutate(). For example, if we wanted to create a total_fleshy_algae column.


dmr |>
  mutate(total_fleshy_algae = kelp + understory)

You can also create a second new column based on the first new column within the same call of mutate():


dmr |>
  mutate(total_fleshy_algae = kelp + understory,
         total_algae = total_fleshy_algae + crust)

Using mutate() and group_by() together

In some cases, you might want to use mutate() in conjunction with group_by() to get summarized properties for groups, but not lose your original data. for example, let’s say we wanted to calculate how kelp differed from average conditions within a region each year. This is called an anomaly. In essence we want to get the average amount of kelp in a region over time, and then calculate a kelp_anomaly_regional where we subtract the amount of kelp from the regional average over time. This makes it easier to separate regional variation from variation over time.

This requires putting mutate() and group_by() together.


dmr |>
  group_by(region) |>
  mutate(mean_kelp_regional = mean(kelp),
         kelp_anomaly_regional = kelp - mean_kelp_regional)


# A tibble: 1,478 × 17
# Groups:   region [6]
    year region    exposure.code coastal.code latitude longitude depth crust
   <int> <chr>             <int>        <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <int> <dbl>
 1  2001 York                  4            3     43.1     -70.7     5  60  
 2  2001 York                  4            3     43.3     -70.6     5  75.5
 3  2001 York                  4            3     43.4     -70.4     5  73.5
 4  2001 York                  4            4     43.5     -70.3     5  63.5
 5  2001 York                  4            3     43.5     -70.3     5  72.5
 6  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.7     -70.1     5   6.1
 7  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.8     -70.0     5  31.5
 8  2001 Casco Bay             3            3     43.8     -69.9     5  31.5
 9  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.8     -69.9     5  40.5
10  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.8     -69.9     5  53  
# ℹ 1,468 more rows
# ℹ 9 more variables: understory <dbl>, kelp <dbl>, urchin <dbl>, month <int>,
#   day <int>, survey <chr>, site <int>, mean_kelp_regional <dbl>,
#   kelp_anomaly_regional <dbl>

This worked, but, uh oh. Why is the data frame still grouped? Leaving a data frame grouped will have consequences, as any other mutate will be done by region instead of on the whole data frame. So, for example, if we wanted to then get a global anomaly, i.e., the difference between kelp and the average amount of kelp for the entire data set, we couldn’t just do another set of mutates.

Fortunately, we can resolve this with ungroup(): a useful verb to insert any time you want to remove all grouping structure, and are worried dplyr is not doing it for you.


dmr |>
  group_by(region) |>
  mutate(mean_kelp_regional = mean(kelp),
         kelp_anomaly_regional = kelp - mean_kelp_regional) |>
  ungroup() |>


# A tibble: 6 × 17
   year region    exposure.code coastal.code latitude longitude depth crust
  <int> <chr>             <int>        <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1  2001 York                  4            3     43.1     -70.7     5  60  
2  2001 York                  4            3     43.3     -70.6     5  75.5
3  2001 York                  4            3     43.4     -70.4     5  73.5
4  2001 York                  4            4     43.5     -70.3     5  63.5
5  2001 York                  4            3     43.5     -70.3     5  72.5
6  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.7     -70.1     5   6.1
# ℹ 9 more variables: understory <dbl>, kelp <dbl>, urchin <dbl>, month <int>,
#   day <int>, survey <chr>, site <int>, mean_kelp_regional <dbl>,
#   kelp_anomaly_regional <dbl>

Note, it does convert your data frame into a tibble (a “tidy” data frame), but if you really want a data frame back, you can use

Other great resources

Key Points

  • Use the dplyr package to manipulate dataframes.
  • Use select() to choose variables from a dataframe.
  • Use filter() to choose data based on values.
  • Use group_by() and summarize() to work with subsets of data.
  • Use count() and n() to obtain the number of observations in columns.
  • Use mutate() to create new variables.

Content from Introduction to Visualization

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • What are the basics of creating graphics in R?


  • To be able to use ggplot2 to generate histograms and bar plots.
  • To apply geometry and aesthetic layers to a ggplot plot.
  • To manipulate the aesthetics of a plot using different colors and position parameters.

Let’s start by loading data to plot. For convenience, let’s make site a character.



dmr <- read.csv("data/dmr_kelp_urchin.csv") |>
  mutate(site = as.character(site))

Plotting our data is one of the best ways to quickly explore it and the various relationships between variables. There are three main plotting systems in R, the base plotting system, the lattice package, and the ggplot2 package. Today and tomorrow we’ll be learning about the ggplot2 package, because it is the most effective for creating publication quality graphics. In this episode, we will introduce the key features of a ggplot and make a few example plots. We will expand on these concepts and see how they apply to geospatial data types when we start working with geospatial data in the R for Raster and Vector Data lesson.

ggplot2 is built on the grammar of graphics, the idea that any plot can be expressed from the same set of components: a data set, a coordinate system, and a set of geoms (the visual representation of data points). The key to understanding ggplot2 is thinking about a figure in layers. This idea may be familiar to you if you have used image editing programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, or Inkscape. In this episode we will focus on two geoms

  • histograms and bar plot. In the R for Raster and Vector Data lesson we will work with a number of other geometries and learn how to customize our plots.

Let’s start off with an example plotting the distribution of kelp % cover in our dataset. The first thing we do is call the ggplot function. This function lets R know that we’re creating a new plot, and any of the arguments we give the ggplot() function are the global options for the plot: they apply to all layers on the plot.

We will pass in two arguments to ggplot. First, we tell ggplot what data we want to show on our figure. For the second argument we pass in the aes() function, which tells ggplot how variables in the data map to aesthetic properties of the figure. Here we will tell ggplot we want to plot the “kelp” column of the dmr data frame on the x-axis. We don’t need to specify a y-axis for histograms.



ggplot(data = dmr, 
       mapping = aes(x = kelp)) +   
Histogram of histogram of kelp percent cover sampled by the DMR
Histogram of histogram of kelp percent cover sampled by the DMR

By itself, the call to ggplot isn’t enough to draw a figure:


ggplot(data = dmr, aes(x = kelp))

We need to tell ggplot how we want to visually represent the data, which we do by adding a geom layer. In our example, we used geom_histogram(), which tells ggplot we want to visually represent the distribution of one variable (in our case “kelp”):


ggplot(data = dmr, aes(x = kelp)) +   


`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Challenge 1

Modify the example so that the figure shows the distribution of urchin counts, rather than kelp percent cover.


ggplot(data = dmr, 
       mapping = aes(x = urchin)) +   


`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

The histogram is a useful tool for visualizing the distribution of a single continuous variable. What if we want to compare the kelp cover of the regions in our dataset? We could use a bar (or column) plot.

First, let’s create a dataset with the mean % kelp for each region.


region_mean_kelp <- dmr |>
  group_by(region) |>
  summarize(mean_kelp = mean(kelp))

This time, we will use the geom_col() function as our geometry. We will plot regions on the x-axis (listed in alphabetic order by default) and mean kelp on the y-axis.


ggplot(data = region_mean_kelp, 
       mapping = aes(x = region, y = mean_kelp)) + 
Bar plot of the mean percent kelp cover for each region
Bar plot of the mean percent kelp cover for each region

This looks okay, although perhaps you might want to display more than just the mean values. You could try another geometry: box plots, with geom_boxplot. Here we need the full un-summarized dataset. You might also want to specify axis labels by using the function labs.


ggplot(data = dmr, 
       mapping = aes(x = region, y = kelp)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(x = "Region", y = "Percent Kelp Cover")
Box plot of kelp cover for each region
Box plot of kelp cover for each region

There are more sophisticated ways of modifying axis labels. We will be learning some of those methods later in this workshop.

Challenge 2: A regional subset of the data over time

Let’s combine dplyr with ggplot2 to create a visualization of how kelp has changed by region over time. This is a complex workflow - but a pretty typical one. We’re going to break it down piece by piece here so you can see how we create a whole piece of visualization starting with a large complex object.

Our goal is to create a time series plot for two regions of mean kelp.

dplyr portion - For each part of the exercise, just keep piping to create a full workflow that will result in casco_downeast_kelp. Check your answer after each step to make sure it’s correct.

  1. What are our two regions and years that we want? Let’s start by creating a data set called casco_downeast_kelp. Filter down to just the Casco Bay and Downeast regions. This is a great place to use the %in% operator for the filter. After filtering regions, filteryearto just the years 2001 - 2012. You can use some<>for this or use%in%.

  2. Next, group by both region and year (you can use a , to separate grouping variables in group_by()).

  3. Summarize to get the mean value of kelp for each year/region combination.

ggplot2 portion - use casco_downeast_kelp to plot the following.

  1. Make a ggplot() just like we did before with a geom_col(). But, now, set your x value to be year. Also, make fill = region. What does this show you? What happens if you add an additional argument to geom_col() so that you have geom_col(position = position_dodge()).

  2. One of the beautiful things about ggplot2 is how we can make a few small changes and get a totally different visualization that teaches us something new. Copy and paste the plot you made in 4. Remove the geom_col(). Now, add geom_point() and geom_line() in succession. Also, remove the fill aesthestic and change add in color = region instead.

dplyr portion


casco_downeast_kelp <- dmr |>
  filter(region %in% c("Casco Bay", "Downeast")) |>
  filter(year %in% 2001:2012)



  year    region exposure.code coastal.code latitude longitude depth crust
1 2001 Casco Bay             2            2 43.72766 -70.10721     5   6.1
2 2001 Casco Bay             2            2 43.76509 -69.96087     5  31.5
3 2001 Casco Bay             3            3 43.75199 -69.93420     5  31.5
4 2001 Casco Bay             2            2 43.78369 -69.89041     5  40.5
5 2001 Casco Bay             2            2 43.79288 -69.88675     5  53.0
6 2001 Casco Bay             1            2 43.79686 -69.88665     5  26.5
  understory  kelp urchin month day survey site
1       38.5  92.5      0     6  15    dmr   66
2       74.0  59.0      0     6  15    dmr   71
3       96.5   7.7      0     6  15    dmr   70
4       60.0  52.5      0     6   8    dmr   23
5       59.5  29.2      0     6   8    dmr   22
6       15.0 100.0      0     6   8    dmr   21


casco_downeast_kelp <- dmr |>
  filter(region %in% c("Casco Bay", "Downeast")) |>
  filter(year %in% 2001:2012) |>
  group_by(year, region)



# A tibble: 6 × 15
# Groups:   year, region [1]
   year region    exposure.code coastal.code latitude longitude depth crust
  <int> <chr>             <int>        <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.7     -70.1     5   6.1
2  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.8     -70.0     5  31.5
3  2001 Casco Bay             3            3     43.8     -69.9     5  31.5
4  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.8     -69.9     5  40.5
5  2001 Casco Bay             2            2     43.8     -69.9     5  53  
6  2001 Casco Bay             1            2     43.8     -69.9     5  26.5
# ℹ 7 more variables: understory <dbl>, kelp <dbl>, urchin <dbl>, month <int>,
#   day <int>, survey <chr>, site <chr>


casco_downeast_kelp <- dmr |>
  filter(region %in% c("Casco Bay", "Downeast")) |>
  filter(year %in% 2001:2012) |>
  group_by(year, region) |>
  summarize(mean_kelp = mean(kelp))


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'year'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.




# A tibble: 6 × 3
# Groups:   year [3]
   year region    mean_kelp
  <int> <chr>         <dbl>
1  2001 Casco Bay      48.8
2  2001 Downeast       74.3
3  2002 Casco Bay      56.7
4  2002 Downeast       78.8
5  2003 Casco Bay      58.7
6  2003 Downeast       89.2

ggplot2 portion


ggplot(data = casco_downeast_kelp,
       mapping = aes(x = year, y = mean_kelp, fill = region)) +


ggplot(data = casco_downeast_kelp,
       mapping = aes(x = year, y = mean_kelp, fill = region)) +
  geom_col(position = position_dodge())


ggplot(data = casco_downeast_kelp,
       mapping = aes(x = year, y = mean_kelp, color = region)) +
  geom_point() +

The examples given here are just the start of creating complex and beautiful graphics with R. In a later lesson we will go into much more depth, including:

  • plotting geospatial specific data types
  • adjusting the color scheme of our plots
  • setting and formatting plot titles, subtitles, and axis labels
  • creating multi-panel plots
  • creating point (scatter) and line plots
  • layering datasets to create multi-layered plots
  • creating and customizing a plot legend
  • and much more!

The examples we’ve worked through in this episode should give you the building blocks for working with the more complex graphic types and customizations we will be working with in that lesson.

Key Points

  • Use ggplot2 to create plots.
  • Think about graphics in layers: aesthetics, geometry, etc.

Content from Writing Data

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can I save plots and data created in R?


  • To be able to write out plots and data from R.

If you haven’t already, you should create directories to save cleaned data and figures.



Saving plots

You can save a plot from within RStudio using the ‘Export’ button in the ‘Plot’ window. This will give you the option of saving as a .pdf or as .png, .jpg or other image formats.

Sometimes you will want to save plots without creating them in the ‘Plot’ window first. Perhaps you want to make a pdf document with multiple pages: each one a different plot, for example. Or perhaps you’re looping through multiple subsets of a file, plotting data from each subset, and you want to save each plot. In this case you can use a more flexible approach. The pdf() function creates a new pdf device. You can control the size and resolution using the arguments to this function.


pdf("figures/Distribution-of-kelp.pdf", width=12, height=4)

ggplot(data = dmr, aes(x = kelp)) +   

# You then have to make sure to turn off the pdf device!

Open up this document and have a look.

Challenge 1

Rewrite your ‘pdf’ command to print a second page in the pdf, showing the histogram of urchins in the data.


pdf("figures/Distribution-of-kelp-urchins.pdf", width = 12, height = 4)

ggplot(data = dmr, 
       mapping = aes(x = kelp)) + 

ggplot(data = dmr, 
       mapping = aes(x = urchin)) +

The commands jpeg, png, etc. are used similarly to produce documents in different formats. You can also use ggsave() to save whatever your last plot was. For example, let’s say we made a neat plot using geom_point() (a scatterplot) to show the relationship between kelp and urchins colored by region. We want to save it as a jpeg. ggsave() will dynamically figure out your filetype from the file name.


       aes(x = urchin, y = kelp,
           color = region)) +




Saving 7 x 7 in image

Writing data

At some point, you’ll also want to write out data from R.

We can use the write.csv function for this, which is very similar to read.csv from before.

Let’s create a data-cleaning script, for this analysis, we only want to focus on the data for Downeast:


downeast_subset <- dmr |>
  filter(region == "Downeast")


Let’s open the file to make sure it contains the data we expect. Navigate to your cleaned-data directory and double-click the file name. It will open using your computer’s default for opening files with a .csv extension. To open in a specific application, right click and select the application. Using a spreadsheet program (like Excel) to open this file shows us that we do have properly formatted data including only the data points from Downeast. However, there are row numbers associated with the data that are not useful to us (they refer to the row numbers from the gapminder data frame).

Let’s look at the help file to work out how to change this behaviour.



By default R will write out the row and column names when writing data to a file. To over write this behavior, we can do the following:


  file = "cleaned-data/dmr_downeast.csv",

Challenge 2

Subset the dmr data to include only data points collected since 2012. Write out the new subset to a file in the cleaned-data/ directory.


dmr_after_2012 <- filter(dmr, year > 2012)

  file = "cleaned-data/dmr_after_2012.csv",
  row.names = FALSE)

Key Points

  • Save plots using ggsave() or pdf() combined with
  • Use write.csv to save tabular data.