Introduction to Shiny

Figure 1

Shiny in a Nutshell from Dean AttaliShiny in a Nutshell from Dean Attali

Figure 2

click to run a shiny app

Figure 3

stop a shiny app in Rstudio

The Basics of a User Interface An app about seagrass.

Figure 1

first text app

Figure 2

show html out If we want our app to have a title, we can give it one as well.

Figure 3

Sidebar Layout from Mastering ShinyThe nesting of a sidebar layout from [Mastering Shiny](

Figure 4

sidebar layout run

Figure 5

multirow form mastering shinyA multirow layout from Mastering Shiny

Inputs and Outputs

Figure 1

inputs For the purposes of our app, let’s begin by adding a selectInput() to allow a user to choose a year.

Figure 2

shiny inputs

Figure 3

an example render functionan example render function from Dean Attali

Figure 4

the app so far

Reactive Objects in Shiny

Making Shiny Apps Public

Figure 1

Rstudio clickthrough to deployHow to Publish your Shiny App from Dean Attali

Figure 2

Log view in

Translating a Shiny App

Figure 1

our app with a translation selector

Spatial Selection

Figure 1

Shiny app with leaflet map