Translating a Shiny App

Last updated on 2024-02-20 | Edit this page



  • How do I make my Shiny App accessible to non-English speakers?


  • Implement drop-down translations for Shiny

The Problem of Language

The entire world does not speak English.

While many developers might not be working in English, the default interface for Shiny contains many pieces that ARE in English. A wide variety of words that are programmed in, or are common terms of art that a developer might use are in English. Moreover, content written by a developer could well be in English.

While a user can use Google Translate - and might have to for more complex grammer - giving them the power to even select translation for the main words in your UI can be help broaden your audience. Here we will explore two translation packages for Shiny. We will start with a simple app which we can put in a file app-translate.R.

ui <- fluidPage(
  h3("to the world"),
  tags$blockquote("more text")
server <- function(input, output) {


Translating with shi18ny, Modules, and Reactives

shi18ny is an older, but fairly solid, word-for-word translation engine. It has a large dictionary of ~1,000 words in 18 languages. It’s not going to help with complex grammer, but it’s idea for simple interfaces. Let’s start by adding two pieces to the UI to get the language selector working. The first is useShi18ny(). This just loads a lot of HTML code that will be needed to do the translations. The second is a new input, langSelectorInput(). We will use the position = "Fixed" argument in order to have it not move around as we scroll the page.

ui <- fluidPage(
  #language selector
  langSelectorInput("lang", position = "fixed", width = 200),

  h3("to the world"),
  tags$blockquote("more text")

That doesn’t seem to do anything, but that’s because translation is a bit different than other actions.

As the translation is dynamic, we can see that we want our translation to be reactive. Unlike reactives we have already looked at, something different is going on. First, we need to have a language translation system setup in the background. This seems like a block of code we could read in, but, we will need to place it in a specific context of a server or UI. This is a concept called a Shiny module.

So we will callModule(langSelector) with some additional arguments for langSelector. One of which is i18n - the list of languages. Let’s see how we implement this with the server. See ?langSelector for more.

Last, we need a call to observeEvent() to make sure the reactive change is seen. We have talked previously about reactives. We can get the value from a reactive anytime in our code using the function observe({}). This is very useful as within the code block, we can insert some debug output - such as printing the value of a reactive out. observeEvent({}) is similar, save that it responds whenever a reactive experiences something “event-like”. It’s useful for things like reactive buttons (to re-run a simulation), or changing reactive dropdowns.

In this case, whenever the language chosen is changed, the languages have to update across the entire page. Including the UI. So, we need to run uiLangUpdate() with arguments to the classes the library makes available and a call to the module itself.

server <- function(input, output) {
    # the language list
    i18n <- list(
      defaultLang = "en",
      availableLangs = c("es", "en", "pt")
    # Call language module and save it as a reactive
    lang <- callModule(langSelector, "lang", i18n = i18n, showSelector = TRUE)
      uiLangUpdate(input$shi18ny_ui_classes, lang())

Now, changing the language selector didn’t actually change any of the words. This is because Shiny needs to know WHICH words should be translated. For this, we use the function ui_(). The function takes a single string or vector of strings and, as long as each have a match in the translation table, it will translate them as needed.

ui <- fluidPage(
  #language selector
  langSelectorInput("lang", position = "fixed", width = 200),

  h3(ui_("to"), ui_("the"), ui_("world") ),
  tags$blockquote(ui_("more"), ui_("text"))

The continued repetition of the ui_() function gets a bit annoying here. There are two solutions. Either provide the phrase you want translated in an additional translation YAML file in a directory or an additional CSV file in a directory called “locale”. Or, we can make a uiOutput() and have the server do some parsing of language with the i_() function.

So, we can change our UI to

ui <- fluidPage(
  #language selector
  langSelectorInput("lang", position = "fixed", width = 200),



And our server to

server <- function(input, output) {
    # the language list
    i18n <- list(
      defaultLang = "en",
      availableLangs = c("es", "en", "pt")
    # Call language module and save it as a reactive
    lang <- callModule(langSelector, "lang", i18n = i18n, showSelector = TRUE)
      uiLangUpdate(input$shi18ny_ui_classes, lang())
    output$more_text <- renderUI({
      h3(i_(c("to", "the", "world"), lang = lang())|> paste0(collapse = " ")),
      tags$blockquote(i_(c("more", "text"), lang =lang())|> paste0(collapse = " "))


Translating Phrases with shiny.i18n

Going word by word can be tedious. What about whole phrases? What if you have huge blocks of text and want to translate them - say, a whole description. Enter the shiny.i18n library. This library makes it simple for you to provide custom translations for phrases and then tag them. You can supply these as either a CSV or a JSON file - a bunch of nested {} lists.

For example, here’s a CSV

Hello Shiny!,Ciao Shiny!
Tell me about seagrass!, Parlami delle erba marina!

This is fairly straightforward, and you can do it easily in excel, etc. BUT - for big, multi-line text blocks, it might become a bit of a pain in terms of line overruns, etc.


  "languages": ["en", "it"],
  "translation": [
        "en": "Hello Shiny!", 
        "it": "Ciao Shiny!"},
        "en": "Tell me about seagrass!",
        "it": "Parlami delle erba marina!"

Let’s download this json file into our toplevel directory.

shiny.i18n is a bit simpler to use than shiny18ny, but similar in the how it integrates into an app. First, we need to greate a Translator object in our preamble. Do do this, we use Translator$new() to initialize a new Translator object. We then use this new object to set the language for the environment. Note, our Translator is something called an R6 object, which you don’t need to worry about, save that it contains functions within itself. Welcome to a soft introduction to Object Oriented Programming.


# 1. Preamble

# Initialize the translator
trans_lang <- Translator$new(translation_json_path = "seagrass_it.json")


Now that we have a translator setup in our preamble, trans_lan, we can use it in our UI. First, we need to use the function usei18n(trans_lang) - our translator object - to import a bunch of code that will handle the translation. Then, in our UI, any phrase that can be translated can be wrapped into trans_lang$t() which R will be able to translate later. Finally, we need to put a selector for the language. To get the choices for the languages available we can use trans_lang$get_languages().


# 2. User interface
ui <- fluidPage(
  #import javascript
  # the UI
  p(trans_lang$t("Hello Shiny!")),
  p(trans_lang$t("Tell me about seagrass!")),
  # A selector
    "Select a language",
    choices = trans_lang$get_languages(),
    selected = "en"

So, how do we make languages change? This is another case where we need to use observeEvent() to observe a change in a reactive and trigger a shange across the app. The function to change languages is update_lang() which takes the argument of the new language - here from input$choose_language.


# 3. Server
server <- function(input, output) {

Putting these pieces together, we now have an app that can run and switch languages for large phrases.

our app with a translation selector

Key Points

  • Use shi18ny for common/app-related single or a few words across many languages.
  • use shiny.18n to make translation selectors for large chunks of text where you create the dictionary.